Other Activities

This section contains information and links to other things I am involved in and groups that I belong to. Just because I belong to a group or mention them here does not mean that I believe in everything they have to say or all of their positions.

Group Comments
Haverford Township School District I graduated with the Class of 1980
Haverford Township School District Alumni email list
Haverford Township School District Alumni Association (and Perlish Photography)
Delaware County Community College (FIX) I graduated with a A.S. in Engineering, 1985
University of Pennsylvania I finished my M.S. in Organizational Dynamics December of 1998..
Temple University I graduated with a B.A. in Computer and Information Sciences, 1985
Temple University CIS Alumni I graduated with a B.A. in Computer and Information Sciences, 1985

Group Comments
DECUS (Digital Equipment Computer User Society) US This is a great group. I've presented seminars for them.
DECUS (Digital Equipment Computer User Society) Canada This is also a great group. I've presented workshops for them.
DECUS (Digital Equipment Computer User Society) Europe This is also a great group. I've presented seminars and participated in panel discussions for them.
Mensa International I don't normally admit it, but yes, I am a member of this high-IQ society
Mensa US Use this one for information on US group, the one above for the rest of the world.
Delaware Valley Mensa Local Mensa group (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area). If this link fails (it was at Drexel University), try the one stored on briarpath's server.
Delaware Valley Oracle Users Group Local Oracle Group - I've presented workshops for them.
NRA (National Rifle Association) Interesting stuff, very politically incorrect. You may hate them, love them, or just tolerate them, but you will know about them...
The Red Cross Give blood! Give blood! I may need it, your family may need it!
The Authors Guild Information source and legal advice for authors of all levels
IFPUG (International Function Point Users Group) Keeper of the Function Point standard - a means of measuring the size and complexity of an application.
Institute for the Certification of Computer Professionals I have the CCP (Certified Computer Professional) from the ICCP and am a member of the board of the ICCP Educational Foundation.
WHHS 50th Anniversary The country's oldest highschool radio station will be 50 years old in December 1998. I worked on the station and am part of the celebration committee.
Dave Weston's home page WHHS 50th Anniversary ad hoc committee chair/organizer.
DVSF - Delaware Valley Science Fairs The world's oldest regional science fairs. I've judged in them for well over five years and think they are a great group and provide a lot of push to get kids interested in science, math, and engineering.
IFPO (International Freelance Photographers Organization) Useful source of information for freelancers! Operates American Image Press which can provide Press credentials.
The HTML Writers Guild The HTML Writers Guild - I'm a member.

Other Stuff:
Group Comments
Who's Who in the East Listed as of 1987
Who's Who in the World Listed as of 1987
Who's Who in America Listed as of 1988
Who's Who in Science and Engineering Listed as of 1988

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