Welcome to David's Home Page

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This page is still under construction (which ones aren't?) but is getting better.

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UNIX for the Mainframer My first book has been out on the market for a while now (selling rather well, I've gotten questions via email from the US and Europe!), co-authored another, revised/wrote chapters for for several other books (on the shelves now), am doing more chapters as needed (and asked), am still writing articles, I am getting to use the knowledge I learned during my Masters degree, am teaching online on a regular basis, and volunteer a lot.

That is in addition to my normal work day and teaching online for a national university.

I'm just a little busy.

I recently ran into a web page in Russia that included my full name translated to that alphabet: Дэвид Б. Хорват (and I got babelfish to translate the page to English converting my last name to "The Croat").

COBS.com stands for Computer Oriented BookS - what I spend most of my spare time working on. If I had my own consulting firm, it probably would have the name Co-Operative Business Solutions or something similar. I probably will apply (may have already applied) for trademarks on those names and the domain.

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Key Words (for search engines):
UNIX,RDBMS,HTML,Horvath,Consulting,Training,Speaking,C,UNIX,SQL,OracleMainframes,cobs,COBS, David B. Horvath CCP, global, Cooperative Business Solutions, Co-Operative Business Solutions, Co-operative Business Solutions, Computer Oriented BookS, Computer Oriented Books,Information about David Horvath and his activities, forsale, for sale,computer,computers

UNIX,RDBMS,HTML,Horvath,Consulting,Training,Speaking,C,UNIX,SQL,OracleMainframes,cobs,COBS, David B. Horvath CCP, global, Cooperative Business Solutions, Co-Operative Business Solutions, Co-operative Business Solutions, Computer Oriented BookS, Computer Oriented Books,Information about David Horvath and his activities, forsale, for sale,computer,computers